Teachers also play an important role in educational system. We can get more benefit from teachers if we encourage them.
HDF also Appreciates those teachers who play excellent role in their profession. Appreciation certificates were awarded to such teachers who given the 100% results.
HDF organized events with tag line “A Salute To Teacher”. In all over AJK teachers were appreciated. 100 and above teachers were selected in each district and they were given certificates by the hands of district notables, politicians and education officials.
HDF has planned this activity with DEO Muzaffarabad. Strategy was set that the teachers who delivered 100% result in annual exams will be awarded with certificates.
Our volunteers from 8 districts meet with district education officials and share the agenda.
Department has appreciated and provided the list of teachers given the 100% result.
The award ceremony was non-political that there were no any political interference seen in the project.