Project Description

Activity Description
To equip our children with education, it’s an important thing that they should provide a plate form, which is school. When the schools and playing grounds of a country remain settled, ultimately the nation grew up and up. To make the nation developed it’s important that every child should be enrolled in school by enrolment campaign.
HDF Strategy
HDF along with their partner and donors run Enrolment Campaign in which an enrolment walk was organized in which civil society members, education officials, school children, teachers and especially P.M AJK participated.
The campaign was launched and also expanded with civil society to enhance enrolment. HDF also run the enrolment campaign in several districts of AJK.
Enrolment camps in villages were a good example of new enrolment of children in near schools. We organized these camps in Muzaffarabad and district Kotli.
Outcomes of Campaign
As a result of these campaigns in different years has increased the enrollment and thousands of out of school children were enrolled, especially teachers has played a great role in the retention of these children
- Muzaffarabad
- Hattian
- Neelum
- Kotli
- Govt. of AJK
- Alif Ailaan
- Enrolment Campaign